Keystone Insurers

Dumbaugh Insurance is a proud member of Keystone Insurers Group.  Keystone is a consortium of over 270 independent insurance agencies presently operating in 13 states with over $3.5 billion in written premium.  Keystone is highly selective; these agencies are a package deal with hard working and deeply knowledgeable agents.

Customers of Keystone Partner agents reap the benefits of comprehensive insurance protection, competitive pricing and innovative solutions through the exchange of intellectual capital.  One of the founding principles of Keystone Insurers Group is to do with peers what can’t be done alone.

Access to more insurance company programs, along with the expertise of other, similarly successful agencies means our customers have the advantage of:

  • Access to more insurance company programs.
  • Shared expertise of other, similarly successful agencies.
  • Additional knowledge that collaborative services allow.
  • Cutting edge enhancements to your business management strategies.
  • Superior local service

Learn more about the Keystone Insurers Group by visiting

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Dumbaugh, Oklok, & Criss is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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